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Hello, I'm

Marianne Cooper

Web Developer

My LinkedIn profile. My GitHub profile.

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About Me


Retail: Under Armour, Superdry

Hospitality: Dixie Browns


B.Sc. Computer Science

Le Wagon Web Development Bootcamp

I’m a passionate web developer with a background in retail and a strong drive to create innovative, next-level websites. While working in fast-paced environments, I honed my communication, teamwork, and organizational skills, which now complement my technical expertise. Driven by a growing interest in tech, I began pursuing a BSc in Computer Science. Recognizing my true passion for development, I made the bold decision to quit my job and fully immerse myself in the Le Wagon bootcamp, where I built a solid foundation in web development.
Since completing the bootcamp, I’ve been further developing my skills through Codecademy, where I’ve been focusing on a full-stack developer course to deepen my expertise and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.

I specialise in building responsive and user-friendly web applications using tools like Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Figma. I thrive on solving problems and continuously learning new technologies to enhance my craft.

With a love of travel, I’ve lived in New Zealand and South Korea, where I immersed myself in new cultures and even self-taught how to speak and read Korean to a conversational level. Outside of coding, I love exploring new places and focusing on health and fitness.


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Project 1


Working in a team of four, we designed and produced the mobile app Bookflow in a two week timeframe. Bookflow allows users to search for books by title or genre, add them to a personlised reading list, and mark them as read. The app also supports user-generated reviews, displays book details, and keeps track of reading progress through visual charts, helping users manage their literary adventures effectively.

Ruby on Rails, HTML, Sass, Javascript

Project 2 Project 2


PokeRent is a vibrant and playful platform that brings the world of Pokémon to life by offering a unique rental marketplace. Leveraging the power of the PokeAPI to dynamically generate Pokémon card images and Mapbox API to integrate interactive maps for rental locations, our team of four successfully developed this engaging application in just one week.

Ruby on Rails, HTML, Sass, Javascript

Project 3


PantryPal is an all-in-one recipe and diet guide, with options to track one's meals and connect with other users for social or guidance purposes. One of its highlights is the AI-powered feature, Chef, which crafts personalised meals based on the ingredients available in a user's pantry or refrigerator. I played a pivotal role in bringing this project to life by leading the design process. Collaborating closely with another team member, I created intuitive and visually appealing designs using Figma, ensuring an engaging user experience. My focus was on crafting a seamless interface that enhances usability, leaving a lasting impression on users. While the development team implemented the functionality, my contributions to the app’s overall look and feel were instrumental in shaping PantryPal into the dynamic and user-centric platform it is today.


Project 3


This portfolio was built from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, showcasing my skills in front-end development and design. I focused on creating a clean, responsive layout to ensure a seamless user experience across all devices. Throughout the two week development process, I used GitHub for version control to track changes and manage updates. This approach ensured a streamlined workflow and added security to my progress.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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